You don’t want to miss Set It Off’s Dopamine Tour with support from Scene Queen, In Her Own Words, and Rivals.
Rivals took the stage first. With the almost sold-out room of people, it didn’t take much to get the room more hyped than they already were. The alternative dark pop-rock group played songs from their EP Man Eater (2023) and album Sad Looks Pretty on Me (2021). Kalie Wolfe has such stage presence that you can’t help but move along and sing at the top of your lungs. As they wrapped up their set giving praise for the rest of the bands on the tour, the sea of people in the room erupted in a wave of excitement.
Vocalist Joey Fleming took to introducing In Her Own Words and then started with their hit song “Circles.” Orlando didn’t let them down. They sang along with Joey right until the very end. They played some of their other most listened to Spotify and Apple Music songs, “Alone with You,” “Lights Out,” “Serotonin,” and “Right Now.” But that’s not all. They had a special guest appearance from Orlando’s Anthony DeMario of Capstan. In Her Own Words has grown to be on every pop-punk lover’s playlist over the last few years. Aggressive instrumentals and a pop vibe made them a perfect fit for The Dopamine Tour. Tiktok’s own Scene Queen was next and she put on a memorable show. The singer has become a huge success over the last few years. Her Bimbocore-style music has made a name for itself in the industry. She uses her voice to call out people in the music scene for women whose voices can’t be heard. So, as you can imagine the crowd was a sea of pink and excitement as she took the stage to perform her hit songs “18+,” “Pink Panther,” and “Pink Rover.” “Barbie & Ken” features Cody Carson of Set It Off so, of course, he ran to the stage with her and gave the crowd a small show of what was to come shortly.The lights in the venue went down and the stage production lit up as the screens started a 1-minute countdown to showtime. The sea of people started counting down from 30 seconds with some people even chanting “Set It Off.” When the countdown hit zero, Cody, Zach, and Max started their set with high energy and a great light show. Set It Off showed up in their home state of Florida and didn’t disappoint. Their discography is a wide variety of different sounds throughout the years with so many songs to choose from. They played a little of everything with songs like “Punching Bag,” “Killer in the Mirror,” “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead,” and “Projector.” As the band has done a lot of collaborations over the years, they had Kalie Wolfe of Rivals come out and perform “Partners in Crime.” The one and only Scene Queen came out to perform her part on their newest song “Win Win.”
Cody Carson may be the vocalist but Max Danziger is quite a frontman himself. Max took Cody’s place as vocalist for the song “Hypnotized” and later on gave a mesmerizing drum solo. As their set was coming to an end, Cody took a few minutes to thank the crowd for being with them as they’ve grown over the years. They’re grateful that they’ve been able to make a career out of doing what they love and that they now have an album that’s in the top 50 in their genre which is something they thought they could have only ever dreamed about. The encore of the night comprised of “I’d Rather Drown” and ended on a high note with “Why Worry.”
The Dopamine Tour ends on May 28th don’t miss your chance to see the gig.
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