Rock Supergroup Angels and Airwaves brings their North American 2019 Tour to a sold-out crowd in Las Vegas for a Friday night of fun.
Sold-out shows, unfortunately, seem to be less and less common, but lately Las Vegas is seeing a few of them and tonight it is courtesy of Angels and Airwaves. This rock group is described as a supergroup that was founded in 2005 by Tom DeLonge when Blink-182 went on hiatus. They have developed their own loyal fanbase since then, consisting of both the Blink-182 fans and new fans and these people are packing the House of Blues tonight.
Angels and Airwaves has five albums to draw from so everyone is interested to see what they will play tonight since it has been a while since they have seen this band live. They open with “Surrender,” “It Hurts” and “Everything’s Magic.” DeLonge begins at the center of the stage and he stays there most of the night alternating between singing and playing the guitar and singing. There is no denying this four-piece band is fun and very loud in a good way. They bring a smile to the face of the listener. The set continues with “Paralyzed,” “Moon as My Witness,” “Anxiety” and “Kiss with a Spell.”
About three-quarters of the way through the set, DeLonge takes the time to talk to the crowd. He explains he is battling a cold, which is surprising to many because his voice sounds strong. At this point in the set, he is mixing songs in with stories for the crowd and they love it. Some of his stories involve dating in high school and forming a band while others revolve around trips to the desert to see aliens. Not surprising, it is at this point they play a mashup of the Blink-182 cover “I Miss You” with “Aliens Exist.” There are many more stories mixed in at this point as the set closes out with “Young London,” “Breathe,” “Do it for Me Now” and “Heaven.” The crowd sings along to all these songs and watches the performance. This is not the most animated band live but DeLonge and the rest of the band command the attention of everyone in attendance and there is an overall feel-good vibe to the show.
The fifteen-song set is a long one and delivers exactly what the crowd wants and expects in all aspects. DeLonge sounds great and the music is excellent. It is a fun show and one that has been missed by this crowd for too long. It is easy to see why this show sold out and why the fans remain loyal to this band. The crowd leaves happy they caught this set but also anticipating their next opportunity to see them, hoping it is not as long of a wait as it has been.
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