Marianas Trench brought the impressive Suspending Gravity Tour to Baltimore, along with support from opening act, The Unlikely Candidates.
A stacked lineup is an understatement, even though it’s just two bands. Marianas Trench and The Unlikely Candidates in the same room was quite an experience!
Just a few minutes before The Unlikely Candidates were set to start, was an exciting moment. The band had so much energy and rowdiness. The lead singer, Kyle Morris, was simply all over the place. He was constantly jumping in the crowd, running along the barricade, and even stood on some large speakers, and attempted to run on the barricade. In one particular instance, he stood on the barricade and sang with some fans in the crowd that knew every word. It was a really cute moment to see him smiling, and the people in the crowd smiling right back.
Other than crazy crowd interactions, the band put on a great opening set. Each song was better than the next, in particular, the song “Oh My Dear Lord” was epic in person. Even though it isn’t a big drop, there is a defined beat drop in the song, and everyone in the venue could feel it that night. The band had good energy, the guitarists were battling it out and they were all flipping around their very long hair. They really hyped the crowd up for the main act.
Marianas Trench had a lead up to their performance, large screens with excerpts from their music videos played in anticipation. When the band came out and the lights came on, they didn’t even have to play any music for the crowd to be hype. Then MT brought the energy immediately back to the crowd. Jumping right into the concert, they were all smiles. They were having just as much fun as everyone watching.Josh Ramsay was in the crowd singing while looking people right in the eyes. He was singing runs and having the crowd sing them back. He made his way through the sea of people, eventually running backstage and then showing back up on stage almost like magic. He showed off his vocal skills all throughout the concert, doing successful run after successful run.
Everyone on stage had strong, powerful energy, really taking control of their music, whether it was back up vocals, playing an instrument, or dancing in between the chorus and verses. They stuck to their storyline throughout the show, taking quick breaks to play another part of the story on the big screens, eventually tying it all into one of the last few songs, where Josh sang one song solo and came out with a cane to signify their latest album “Phantoms.”
Of course, they finished with their song “The Killing Kind” to wrap up the show, the same song that wraps up the album. With their classic harmonies, everyone left the concert in awe.
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