Death Angel at The Machine Shop in Flint, MI

Death Angel unleashes a very special night of Bay Area thrash at The Machine Shop in Flint with support from Die-Sect and Exploding Zombies.

Instead of taking a break from their relentless touring scheduling, Death Angel turned an ordinary Wednesday night into a thrash-tastic metal frenzy at The Machine Shop in Flint. The band is currently on the road with Kreator and Sepultura in an opening slot on the Klash of the Titans Tour. Tonight is a feast for fans as they get to experience a full set of epic San Francisco Bay area thrash that only Death Angel can deliver.

The midweek metal extravaganza begins with the bone-crushing brutality of Exploding Zombies. Imagine the screams as you are devoured alive and you’ll get a glimpse into the monstrous attack of this band’s music. Each song is a juggernaut with pummeling drums and bass. The guitars howl and growl with chomping chords and blistering riffs that tear flesh from bone. Finally, the snarling vocals roar with the ecstasy of the kill. Exploding Zombies are death incarnate.

Next up is the Die-Sect. This hometown band brought a contingent of fans to throw the horns. They play a primal and tribal blend of metal. The riffs and rhythm featured plenty of grit and groove. The harsh vocals are committed and full of rage. Fans of Coal Chamber, Static-X, and Mushroomhead will dig these guys.

Red lights flood the stage as Death Angel takes the stage. A foreboding preamble erupts into “Lord of Hate.” Fog and blasting white lights silhouette the band as they rage with the crowd. Arms are outstretched reaching toward the stage with the horns flying as heads move in unison to the beat. 

As he sings and screams, Mark Osegueda points and makes eye contact with fans around the room. Ted Aguilar tears into the riffs on guitar with Damien Sisson matching his ferocious attack on the bass. While Will Carrol may be obscured by the fog and his drum kit, his presence is felt as much as it is heard as the room reverberates. Like a writhing specter from the gates of heaven (or is it hell?), Rob Cavestany conjures hammering riffs and desperate cries from his guitar. Death Angel has come for blood and they are playing for keeps.

The setlist tonight spans Death Angel’s catalog with the exception of 1988’s Frolic In The Park. Old-school fan favorites such as “Voracious Souls,” “Mistress of Pain,” and “Seemingly Endless Time” affirm the timeless fierce power of this music. New songs such as “Aggressor” and “Humancide” show that as Death Angel has evolved, their music remains brutal, vicious, and honest.

Mark takes a moment between songs to talk about the special nature of the heavy metal community. He also gives thanks to the fans who make it possible for the band to do what they love. Looking into the faces of fans in the crowd, you can see in their eyes their respect and admiration for these road warriors on stage. Death Angel ensures that their fans know they are an integral part of the band. This amazing thrash band from the Bay area uses their actions, words, and music to make you part of them.

The evil Exorcist-inspired intro to “The Ultra-Violence” teases before Death Angel rips into “Thrown to the Wolves” to close out a stellar night of metal music. Cheers to The Machine Shop in Flint for hosting an outstanding metal show and providing top-notch sound combined with a captivating light show.

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About Chuck Marshall 45 Articles
Chuck loves music. If it is powerful and played with conviction, that is even better. In a past life, Chuck enjoyed thrashing on the stage in a Michigan metal band (Battalion). Now he prefers to use his imagery and words to capture the essence of a concert or an album. See and feel the music with Chuck; you’ll be glad you did.